Sunday, April 18, 2010

March 19th #2

Let me carry you my beautiful daughter! No matter where you end up let your light shine to all people. Weather those people are the non-Catholics at LCC or the Catholics at MH it doesn't matter at all! I will use you so strongly. You have been given many amazing gifts (and no, you don't get to know "why me?" it's because I love you and that is all you get to know!) and you are so very unique and so amazing, I can't even begin to tell you how truly amazing and beautiful you are to me.

I wanted to tell you how much I love you but I just couldn't find the words to say it to you. So I decided to write you a love poem.

First I wrote you a poem in the sunrises. All different and each one beautiful in it's own way.

Then I wrote you a poem in the sunshine. Beautiful warm and enjoyable.

Next I wrote you a poem in the rain. The gentle, sweet sustaining rain.

Then the snow, each flake intricate and unique each it's on creation.

Then in the leaves that change colors and fall in the Autumn. In their colors they are resplendent and greatly beautiful but they must fall and die to bring new life to the earth.

I next wrote you a love poem in the music, also complicated and intricate. Each note in it's own time and place.

In all these things I wrote of my love for you, but none of this was enough because you were still separated from me. So I sent myself to you in the form of a tiny baby boy.

It is in Him that I found a way to express my great love for you, by Myself coming to earth to live and die a man, that is how much I love you. That I would send my only son into the world to die on the cross and to give Himself each day in the Eucharist.

The Eucharist. My perfect love poem for you. Finally my love poem complete. Will you not write a love poem back to me? Will you not make you life a love poem for me?

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