Monday, April 19, 2010

Lessons Learned from John Vianney

On Spy Wednesday I went to see Leonardo DeFilippis do John Vianney. A lot of it spoke very strongly to me and I was taking notes during the show. Here are some of them for you to ponder. Some of them are direct quotes from the show, some of them are things that something he said made me think of and some of them are quotes that I adapted to my place in life.

"Worry is useless! Trust! You will be a sister some day! Just endure for a little while."

"Let me not be afraid to speak the truth."

"I am willing to suffer whatever you wish to lay on me, just give me the conversion of my people!"

"I am nothing, you are everything, give me your Sacred Heart."

"Give me the Strength to give more!"

"Ask the Lord 'Why? Why am I in the world?' You are in the world to save it!"

"The good God has everything in His hands!"

"Pray for love of your cross"

"I will fight the Devil for souls"

"You, God, are the source of my vocation."

"Where poverty reigns, there is no obstacle to God's gifts."

"Those who have nothing, have nothing to lack"

"Anything you do without Him is lost!"

"Your vocation is to get to Heaven!"

"He did me the great honor of not giving me anything on which I can rely"

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