Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 9th.

On Friday night of retreat with the Franciscans, during Adoration we each had a chance to kneel right in front of the Alter and pray. We were told before Adoration that after we were done praying we should take a rose from a vase under the alter and that that was our rose from Jesus. Most of the flowers were big rose blooms but there were a few that were tiny, just barely pink rose buds. I took one of the pink ones. As I was praying in Adoration God said to me "This flower is your vocation right now. I promise that some day you will be a big beautiful red rose bloom but right now you are still beautiful and you can still spread your fragrance in the world."

My Love,
Will you let me love you, serve you, defend you and protect you? Receive this rose as a sign of my love for you now and for all eternity.

My Love,
You are so beautiful to me right now. I love you more then human words can say. I love you! Look on me and see how much I love you. You are beautiful and I have given you clarity, don't doubt it. You are my bride already and I promise you I will give you the grace to withstand the world for a little while. I have chosen you and I will not let anything happen to you.

Don't you see how much strength, courage and trust you have already? I have given you everything you will need!
My Daughter,
I want you to want me. How will you ever understand how amazing it is and how blessed you are if you don't long and ache for it? In the mean time I'm asking you to be satisfied with being unsatisfied. I know it will be hard and I know it doesn't make any sense but will you do it? Will you wait? I'm offering you the choice, really I am but will you wait for them?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Struggle doesn't equal sin. Everyone struggles, even I, who am perfect, struggled in the garden. It's how you deal with the struggle that matters! What are you going to do with it?

I'm going to surrender it to you (and leave it with you!) Jesus I love you, save souls!

I love you too my daughter! Your beauty delights me and brings me joy.

A Conversation

This is a conversation I had with God one day as I was sitting in the bus stop at school.

What difference am I even making here? How can I help them? What good am I doing here?

My daughter,
You prayed for her, are you doubting the power of your prayers?

Yes. It doesn't seem like enough. It's just words. Why can't I do more? I want to do more! Jesus I trust in you.

Claim my Divine Mercy for them.

Jesus, I trust in you! I believe, help my unbelief!

My dear,
I've been trying to tell you this all day, I love you so much and not only am I your Lord and God, I'm also Daddy and Love. What happened to your child like confidence and faith and your deep love for me as your spouse? Why did it all disappear under the acts of devotion? I'm not telling you to stop covering your head, but remember that reasons behind it all.
You don't have to be made of iron. You need to go easy on yourself. It's okay to cry about it. Let yourself be showered in my love and peace. Let the water from my side wash over you and cleanse you from the inside out. It's okay that you don't have it all together all the time, it's okay that you are scared and don't know how to react. That's all okay because you said yes anyway and that's all that matters!
You said yes when I invited you to great suffering for souls, of course I am proud of you my daughter! I love you so much. Let my love wash over you and strengthen you. My love is powerful! If you carry my love in your heart then you also will be powerful, powerful to do great good in the world. I have made you for this purpose. If this is what I made you for, will I leave you hanging? Of course not! I will give you everything you need to do this.

My love,
Who are you not do be mine? Who are you not to do this? Someone has to do it, so why not you? I knew that if I asked you, you would say yes because I have already given you all you will need and more. Of course it will be hard because you will snatch many souls from the hands of Satan and he hates that more then anything but Me so he will hate you as he hates Me. But you have Me crucified in you at all times so you have great power over him through the Eucharist. Do not be afraid.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Lessons Learned from John Vianney

On Spy Wednesday I went to see Leonardo DeFilippis do John Vianney. A lot of it spoke very strongly to me and I was taking notes during the show. Here are some of them for you to ponder. Some of them are direct quotes from the show, some of them are things that something he said made me think of and some of them are quotes that I adapted to my place in life.

"Worry is useless! Trust! You will be a sister some day! Just endure for a little while."

"Let me not be afraid to speak the truth."

"I am willing to suffer whatever you wish to lay on me, just give me the conversion of my people!"

"I am nothing, you are everything, give me your Sacred Heart."

"Give me the Strength to give more!"

"Ask the Lord 'Why? Why am I in the world?' You are in the world to save it!"

"The good God has everything in His hands!"

"Pray for love of your cross"

"I will fight the Devil for souls"

"You, God, are the source of my vocation."

"Where poverty reigns, there is no obstacle to God's gifts."

"Those who have nothing, have nothing to lack"

"Anything you do without Him is lost!"

"Your vocation is to get to Heaven!"

"He did me the great honor of not giving me anything on which I can rely"

No Date on These Two.

I'm asking you to empty yourself to show them my great love. You already know my great love, it's time to share it before you can go deeper yourself. Let my peace wash over you. I need you to be focused on others and to show them my love just by being yourself. Your smile, laugh and joy are already drawing people to you by which you can draw them to me and they will continue to do so. I love you, trust in me and accept my love.
Let me love you!

Loving me is a great risk, it's scary, hard and very different from the "norm" but loving me is also a huge, amazing adventure. If you take the leap and trust me you will have the most amazing time of your life. Trust me and take the leap of faith! Don't count the cost, just jump and I will catch you!

March 26th

My daughter,
I don't care if you feel like doing this or not. I do, however, care if you do it or not. Like your friend said, I'm not expecting you to be jumping for joy because you have to wait. There will be times when you will feel miserable doing this. But you know that even in those darkest moments I will be with you. It's hard for a candle to be seen in the bright light of day but when it is dark the candle shines so brightly. I will be with you in the dark times. Never doubt that! I do know the desires of your heart and I will give you every one of them! My daughter, the desires of your heart are so beautiful! I long to fulfill them right now but it really wouldn't be best for you right now. Can you trust me that when the time is right every one of them will be fulfilled and then some? I love you and I will help you!
Trust me!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

March 19th #2

Let me carry you my beautiful daughter! No matter where you end up let your light shine to all people. Weather those people are the non-Catholics at LCC or the Catholics at MH it doesn't matter at all! I will use you so strongly. You have been given many amazing gifts (and no, you don't get to know "why me?" it's because I love you and that is all you get to know!) and you are so very unique and so amazing, I can't even begin to tell you how truly amazing and beautiful you are to me.

I wanted to tell you how much I love you but I just couldn't find the words to say it to you. So I decided to write you a love poem.

First I wrote you a poem in the sunrises. All different and each one beautiful in it's own way.

Then I wrote you a poem in the sunshine. Beautiful warm and enjoyable.

Next I wrote you a poem in the rain. The gentle, sweet sustaining rain.

Then the snow, each flake intricate and unique each it's on creation.

Then in the leaves that change colors and fall in the Autumn. In their colors they are resplendent and greatly beautiful but they must fall and die to bring new life to the earth.

I next wrote you a love poem in the music, also complicated and intricate. Each note in it's own time and place.

In all these things I wrote of my love for you, but none of this was enough because you were still separated from me. So I sent myself to you in the form of a tiny baby boy.

It is in Him that I found a way to express my great love for you, by Myself coming to earth to live and die a man, that is how much I love you. That I would send my only son into the world to die on the cross and to give Himself each day in the Eucharist.

The Eucharist. My perfect love poem for you. Finally my love poem complete. Will you not write a love poem back to me? Will you not make you life a love poem for me?

March 19th

My Beautiful daughter,
This will make you stronger. I'm moving you right now. Yes, it is hard but only through this will you be able to do what I have called you to do. I have so much planned for you but you must be broken before you can be made strong enough to do this. Don't worry about anything, only fix your eyes on me. It's when you take your eyes off of me that you fall. I love you so much my wonderful daughter.
<3 Jesus.


I journal quite a lot and the way I journal is by writing down letters from God, Mary and sometimes the saints as well. I read a recent letter from Mary to my youth minister and two of my best friends and they all said "Oh my! You should write a book!" I don't think I'm quite ready to do that but I decided that I could write a blog. So here's my letters from God Mary and the saints to you!

~Miria Rose.